Prior to Closing:
☆ Provide Tiago Title with current loan company information, so a payoff statement can be
ordered from your lender. If your property is subject to dues by a homeowners association,
provide the name and phone number of the association.
☆ Provide documentation of any change in marital status (divorce, marriage, death) during
current ownership.
☆ If a power of attorney is to be used at closing in lieu of being present, Tiago Title and the
mortgage company must review and approve it prior to closing. We must be able to contact the
principal of the power of attorney on the day of closing.
Must Haves at the Closing:
☆ Social Security number
☆ Driver’s license
☆ Bring extra house keys, garage door openers, warranties or operational manuals for appliances
(heating, AC, stoves, etc.) to transfer to the buyer.
☆ Spouses of all seller(s) are required at Closing. (Does NOT apply to Corporations or
Preventing Closing Delays:
☆ Cancel your homeowner’s insurance with your insurance agent if you are moving from the
property at closing. If you are remaining at the property after closing, you should notify your
agent of this change.
After Closing:
☆ Your mortgage company should refund all monies left in your escrow account approximately
15 to 30 business days after they receive the payoff funds. The lender will mail a package
containing your original promissory note marked ‘PAID’ and other loan file documents. Keep
these for future reference. They may also include a release of lien document. This document
needs to be recorded with the county clerk’s office to remove the lien of record.